Thursday, July 28, 2011

What's your transfer priority?

One of the most important things I've learned in 25 years of providing college counseling is the importance of identifying your transfer wants and needs. The "want" part is the most critical key to success, as it will determine how much effort you put into achieving your goal.

I have gotten really good at recognizing when students see the light --knowing what they want to do and how they have to make it happen. Those students share the same basic characteristics: (1) a specific goal (college major and/or transfer institution) (2) a willingness to seek assistance and information to improve academic effort and focus (3) a determination to work hard and utilize resources (teachers, counselors, financial aid, tutoring, study groups) to perform at an exceptional level, and (4) to develop a semester by semester plan that provides a deadline for transfer.

If you're not sure you have the characteristics outlined above, start with identifying your transfer priority and develop a plan based on accomplishing it. You can use the link on the Counseling Center website entitled "College Success Profile" to determine your learning strengths and obstacles, and to identify a major and develop an educational plan. Also, make an appointment with a counselor or attend one of the weekly "Transfer Options" workshops offered in the University Transfer Center.

If you're uncertain of your transfer priority, considering the following transfer needs or wants you might have:
**to attend SDSU
**to attend a specific university
**to continue live in San Diego
**to transfer as soon as possible
**to pursue a major offered at only a few universities
**to earn my bachelor's degree as cheaply and quickly as possible

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

UCSD transfer requirements fall 2012

If you are a local community college student who hopes to transfer to UCSD fall 2012, be sure to attend a Grossmont College UC Online TAG workshop --the dates are posted on the Transfer Center website. There are also two weekly UCSD workshops offered in the Transfer Center (call 619-644-7150 to find out when they are offered and to reserve a seat). You must attend a workshop to qualify for the UCSD transfer opportunity.
UCSD minimum requirements for transfer fall 2012 include the following:

**60 UC transferable units by the end of spring 2012
**completion of English 120, English 124 and a college level math course by end of fall 2011
**required UCSD GPA at the end of fall 2011 semester
**submit the UCSD TAG Agreement by September 30, 2011
**complete a UC application between November 1-30, 2011

I hope to see you at a workshop in August or September!